Friday, 26 October 2007

That's what I'm changing the name of this website to. Why? Because for the last two weeks that's all I've done - the fence, the shed, the spare room walls, the ceiling, skirting boards, doors, architraves, the kitchen. You name it, I've probably painted it. And I haven't ridden my bike once! The closest I've got to bikes is sorting out the shed.

So I'm looking at this as my off season bit. Hopefully by the end of today I'll have a fully functioning kitchen. Hurray! Five months without one was starting to get a little annoying. And by the end of next week I should have a finished spare room and a house that is easily liveable, which means my goals for the year have been accomplished. I can put away all the DIY tools in the revamped workshop/shed, and get out on my bike and go exploring again.

I can't tell you how excited I am to finally be getting these things finished, this house stuff really has dragged on! My fault for going away so much this summer I supppose, you can't have your cake and eat it as they say. Mmmmm, cake...


G as in Chris said...

Put a friggin' feed on your site already!

Me said...

Jeeez! Whine whine whine, that's all you yanks do! Happy now? Is that it? Have you got your 'feed', you blog junkie you...