So my holiday to the SingleSpeed World Champs in Napa California was great fun - great friends, great wine, great conversation, great laughs, great beer, great whisky sour, great trails, great weather and the most amazing food I have ever, ever eaten!
I'll write more and put some pictures up on my adventures page when I get some more time. Due to flight delays and time differences it was a full 28 hours between leaving San Jose aeroport and arriving home Friday afternoon. A 4.30am start this morning has plunged my body clock into meltdown.
For now, just to show you how awful the weather was so you're not too jealous, here's a picture of us riding in Wilder Ranch, Santa Cruz on Tuesday.

That's Chris's backside, Jessica, Laura Bontrager, me and Raquel.
You see, the sun was so bright we could barely see the Pacific ocean in the background because of the glare! It was so hot I kept having to stop to reapply factor 30 sunscreen, and the dust was really getting in my throat as well. Damn NorCal trails...
That's a neat trick riding in Santa Cruz on Monday at the same time as we were on the vineyard tour in Napa :)
Don't know what you mean Simon, you must have read it wrong, it distinctly says Tuesday (now)... ;-)
I'm just jealous you got to ride whilst I was stuck on a poxy aeroplane :(
strange walking gear :)
bloody cheek best food you have ever eaten, what about the take away I bought you last time you were here!
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